Saturday, March 28, 2009

Simple Things- The Blizzard

The soup is simmering and the fire is roaring but where is the "Blizzard of the Century"? I was hoping to wake up to a winter wonderland instead the grass was bright green and the trees were still covered in new leaves. Central Oklahoma never got the 1-6 inches of snow we were promised. By mid-day we had a steady fall of flakes but the warmth of the day melted most of it away. Still it was a simple thing to enjoy the contrast of color and white.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just a few days into the "official" first day of Spring and it looks like the Blizzard of the Century is coming. It arrives tonight according to the meteorologists and the temperature is slowing dropping. Its misty with a fine drizzle falling. It seems perfect for a hot cup of Earl Grey.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Simple things - Spring

In keeping with my thoughts on Simple Things Im trying to enjoy each day and find one simple thing to give thanks to the Lord for. I see how quickly I miss the things all around. Spring is now officially here in the weather challenged state of Oklahoma and Im surprised how fast the blooming of the Bradford Pear and Red Bud are. I just looked up and the dead trees were white with flowers and today most have turned to green. Not wanting to miss The Red Bud show I grabbed my camera.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Live Simply that others might Simply live 2009

This has been my thoughtful meditation for a few months now and the theme of this year. Im trying to understand what my part is and explore how this can become a deeper place in my life.
Living simply before God
Living Simply with others
Living Simply to give refreshment to those who are needful
Learning to cultivate the Simple gifts of life.