Sunday, January 20, 2013

Illustration Friday: MYTH

This weeks prompt for IF is MYTH.
I have always loved Greek mythology.
Medusa was one of the 3 Gorgon sisters + was cursed with a face that turned men to stone and hair of snakes. She gave birth to Pegasus + Chysaor.

I used a monoprint background + charcoal + pencil.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Thinking about Art: A Body of work

Body of Work- ipad art
Creating a body of work is a very important step in an Artist's life. It shows the expanding out of a comfort zone and a venturing into new territory.

It builds personal confidence within the Artist because they learn that the " one great piece" can be repeated in different ways, sizes, colors etc but remain true to the vision.

On a practical note it shows others such as gallery owners or customers that you really can produce what they enjoy seeing consistently.

But I think most importantly it keeps us Curious and that is the heart of a true Artist.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thinking about Art: Accountabilty

Accountability is part of every journey we take.  

As artists we make many choices- what will I learn this year, where, how and when. We sometimes forget that everything has a cost even if we don't spend any money on supplies.

I love to walk with my grandchildren. The one "rule" I have is you must look for treasure. That means each walk we will find something we hadn't noticed before.
This walk was a hot one but the kids raced ahead as the energetic do.
Then they saw it - the small dense wooded area with a very narrow trail leading into it. And of course the question was "Can we go in there?"

I hesitated because "I saw" snakes, bugs, prickly plants and maybe poison ivy.
our treasure- the worlds biggest dandelion
But who wants to miss out on an adventure and a shared one at that!
It was 100* that day in Oklahoma as we explored.  We exited very hot with a few bug bites and scratches but mostly with the delight of a great adventure. The joy of discovery was well worth veering off the path well traveled.

So what does this have to do with accountability? and Art?

We have accountability to ourselves to get off the path we are familiar with and explore even when its "uncomfortable." Going on a shared journey in a group or a class can make the times of discouragement a bit easier for we aren't alone in our struggles.

But best of all we have an accountability to share whatever we're learning or doing because the treasures that lie within each of us are meant to be given away!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Thinking about Art: The dust of our Soul

I love to look back on my children's handwriting. In the beginning just the mere shapes of letters were a big accomplishment. Then throughout the years the process is mastered and now I recognize my kids writing at the very first glance.

In a world of intense Western commercialism uniformity is desired. From factory made bread perfectly sliced to lines of cars or houses made with few variations -individually is hard to find. Yet this sameness of things causes us to pursue more and more possessions in the name of being "unique".

Yet we are innately rare and unrepeatable. No two humans are ever alike. The mold is broken after the creation of each child conceived. We share characteristics that make us human and experiences that unite us but we are one of a kind.

I think the wonderful world of the internet with Google, social media and international awareness has opened doors for Artists to have amazing images and ideas right at their fingertips. It can also be intimidating knowing that there are thousands of Artists that can draw a tree more interestingly than you'd ever imagined. Somehow it makes most of us feel unremarkable and a bit boring.

1963 age 7
That is why our Artist Style/ Signature is so important and we must continue to nurture and develop it. Just as handwriting it takes time and practice. Our Style sets us apart from others because it has the dust of our soul mingled in the paint we use or the fiber we weave or the clay we form. It is our unique gift to this world and only we can give it.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thinking about Art- Style

This is my first post of the New Year. Trying for consistency this year. Even if I dont have anything "profound" to say at least I can put up some art.

I joined a group called CAPI 

The group is open to everyone so if you want to lay down some good art roots and habits check it out. It is free and uses supplies you already have.

Our first journal topic was related to Artist Style/ Signature and what is it and why do I want it? More on that in another post.

I journaled my more serious thoughts for a full page but this little idea keep singing to me in the background. When the odd side of my brain wants to say something I am compelled to go there....

So here is my little poem and art work for STYLE

made on my ipad