Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 61- I have crossed the finish line- ICAD 2015!

prompt: parachute
Last entry for ICad 2015. Sixty -one days of prompts to be creatively interrupted on a 3x5 index card. I was joined by 2265 other artists from around the globe. It was wonderful to see what cool or crazy ideas people came up with!

I'm sure most people have very sensible ideas of the saving use of parachutes.

But who knew that Fin and April would descend from space orbit inside a dead shark with the parachutes from the Space shuttle to guide them safely back to earth.
Sorry but SHARKNADO 3 was the first thing that came to mind!

Day 60- Dear Abbey or I need Advice

prompt: Advice
The word ADVICE comes from Middle English 1250-1300; late Middle English advise; replacing Middle English avis (with ad- ad- for a- a-5) < Old French a vis (taken from the phrase ce m'est a vis that is my impression, it seems to me) < Latin ad (see ad- ) + vīsus h/French/ Latin

In others words it means my thoughts from afar or the way I see !
We get advice from the cradle to the grave ( some even given postmortem)
Most advice is good but hard to follow or make into a lifestyle.

My life motto is my best advice. I want to live this way but living simply can get complicated!  I will continue to try.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 59- The Spartan wore tartan and the lad wore plaid

prompt- plaid
I didnt know that Tartan is the British word for the American word PLAID.

Did a bit of an "abstract" design for today's prompt.
Played with a favorite technique- acrylic paint , rubber cement, topped with acrylic paint then scratched off. Distressed with ink. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Day 58- The Queen needed a little Photoshopping

prompt- Queen of Hearts
Had fun on my index card by adding some digital touches.

Day 57- The SUNRISE means the end is near!

 The sun will rise 4 more days in the Land of Icadia. Then it will be a sad farewell to all who have sojourned together enjoying each others creations and comments.

Day 56- Look up in the sky- Its a birdbot

I was inspired by this image of a chickenbot by CSNII. 
Im lazy so I created a bird with a lot less detail.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day 55- Remulak, France

Prompt- France
I have been to a few cities in France. It is as wonderful as advertized.
I thought of all the things that are French- Eiffel Tower, art, cathedrals, bread and pastries, rich sauces and cheese, the city of Paris at night or in the Spring time but alas my mind wondered to those crazy SNL characters with the cone heads and weird appetites from where else but FRANCE!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 54- Love can envelope and be sent in an envelope!

featuring Opa, Emmitt, Memphis + Snoopy
Today the word was ENVELOPE.  I asked my grandsons if they knew what it was. They just laughed and said its the paper snail mail comes in. Then I explained that English can be very confusing because this same word and spelling can mean something that wraps or covers like the atmosphere around the earth.

So love can envelope and then be sent in an envelope!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day 53- Ode to a Raindrop

prompt: raindrop
After a deluge of May 2015 rains/monsoons/hurricanes its been nice to have some dry summer heat.
Yet after days in the 90's that dark cloud on the horizon is always anticipated!

Here is my haiku to a raindrop

 A drop
 A splash
 A rain 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 52- Scratch Garden

A few layers of oil pastel, paint +topped with gesso. Dried and scratched into a little flower garden.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day-51 Symmetry

prompt- symmetry
It was fun to do a simple childhood project of putting paint on one side and folding the paper into it. It opens into symmetry.

Day 50- Kimono


Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 49 -A poke in the eye with a bamboo stick

prompt: black+white
Saw this idea on the internet and thought Id give it a try using acrylic ink with a bamboo stick.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 48- Disco or I think I missed it

prompt: disco

Day 47- The Disembodied or Barbie's fashion head

Prompt: Fashion
I think many little girls regardless of what generation they were born into naturally love fashion. How else could a doll company produce over a billion Barbies sold in 150 countries. 3 Barbies are sold every second!

There were many directions I could have taken with this prompt but I went down memory lane to the best dressed woman I knew- BARBIE
She was fashion to me.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 46- "Its just another brick in the Wall" -Pink Floyd

Prompt- album cover
Today's prompt made me go check out all the great album covers of my generation. The 1960-70's produced some of the best bands and song writers in the last century.

Music of this era cried out for answers to Life's deepest questions.
THE WALL is a musical story of the life of the fictional Pink Floyd from his boyhood in post WW2 England to his self - imposed isolation as a rock star.
Produced in 1979 and made into a movie a few years later

Day 45- Saturday Night Live or the Grandkids are here!

Prompt- Saturday Night Live
We were young newlyweds when SNL hit the air waves. It was brash, crazy and not like anything else we had ever seen on TV. It shocked us but also had us laughing till we cried!

As the  SNL seasons went on our home filled with children- a total of 5 and we no longer had the time or energy to stay up that late on Saturday night. And to be very honest each year got less funny once the original cast left.

We exchanged the late night TV watching for finding fun with our family until it was time for them to head off to bed. Now all our children are adults. They have families of their own. We have a total of 10 sweet grandchildren from 18 years to 4 months. We are fortunate that they all live in town and now we have many occasions to babysit and create our own SNL! 

Day 44- Focus and Blur makes it Bokeh

Prompt: Focus or Blur
I had a choice between the two prompt words but found I wanted to use both.
A beautiful style of photography is called BOKEH using a focused close up of an object and an out of focus or blurred background. 

Day 43- Defining Definition in HD

Prompt- Definition
Today's prompt is to define or interrupt the word Definition.
Couldn't think of much untill HD came to mind.
My grandchildren have no idea what an amazing thing HD has done for all visual technology!
It has re Defined how we see.

Day 42- Scrabble


Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 40- Her head is full of dice -HELLO KITTY YAHTZEE

prompt- Yahtzee
This week the Icad prompts have centered around games.
Even as a child I wasn't much of a game player. In fact, I was so ADD in the time it took my little sister and I to set up a game I had already lost interest and announced I didn't want to plan anymore. I left the poor girl frustrated and in tears!

So this week has been challenging figuring out what to do with subjects that don't really inspire me. Today was I excited to learn that YAHTZEE makes a HELLO KITTY version. Her head pops open and acts as a dice rolling cup. How clever. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day 39- Hands off! These are all mine - Monopoly

prompt- monopoly
Monopoly is a well loved game with many regional versions.
It fun and competitive but maybe it can give the wrong message.

Day 38- If life gives you Marjong tiles- make jewerly

My oldest daughter and I thought it would be fun to learn to play Mahjong. Since its a very popular game among military wives ( which we were) it seemed like a good idea.

Mahjong is not a game that you can learn in 30 minutes! An hour into the class we decided it was way too hard and we would stick with Bunco!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 37- He had a very checkered past

Prompt: checkers
I know- Sorry couldn't resist the pun!

Day 36 - Backgammon or the flip side of the checker board

I loved playing checkers as a kid. Not the nasty plastic kind but the hand worn round pieces of wood kind. There was such a pleasure at looking at their color variations and feeling the smoothness as you waited your turn to smugly say "King Me!"
But this prompt is about the game on the flip side of most checker boards.


Seemed like a mystery game since most kids didn't know what it was let alone how to play it. When I asked adults they would mumble its name and said it was too hard for  children to play.

I came to learn that people who knew how to play it did so with a passion! We had one friend that carried his board everywhere looking for that other "gamer."

This prompt got me interested in finally learning how to play. And in this new era of instant gratification I shall download the app.  

Day35- Messing with crayons

I find it hard these last 35 days working this small on 3x5 index card, but it has been fun and challenging!
Self-portrait in crayon

Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 34- Flag

Prompt- flag
Ran out of time to do anything exciting with this prompt

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day 33- I love Lucy is a family affair

Prompt- I Love Lucy

As a baby boomer I grew up on I LOVE LUCY. We would sit in front of the only TV in the house, straighten the antenna and plop down for a front row view.
From ages 6-10 I enjoyed watching the reruns. Lucy grew older and made the Lucy Show but it never measured up in hilarity like her shows with Ricky, Fred and Ethel.

Of course when my 5 children reached the ages of 6-10 they delighted in the those same shows. They didn't seemed to notice they were black and white and certainly didn't have to fiddle with an antenna.

Now some of my 10 grandchildren are between 6-10. Some think her shows are funny others think they are boring. One grandson even asked "Oma was the world only black and white in those days?" 

Day 32- A dark and stormy night-Oh its just Oklahoma weather

Prompt- weather
Six inches of hard rain in 3 hours

Day 31 - Hanging out with Hecate or just too many FB quizzes

Prompt- trivia
Got a bit behind this week because I needed to catch up on less interesting things such as home keeping and yard work. These matters have to be done so others won't think I'm lazy or irresponsible but they are so very mundane and trivial.

Speaking of trivial/TRIVIA- its meaning from the Greek "to be at the crossroads, things vulgar or insignificant" - this is the prompt for the day.

Large parts of life seem filled with the trivial. I get so much worthless knowledge especially online from Facebook and the media that I get in a fog.

Maybe the problem really is that I just don't know who I really am and need another FB quiz to help me find my way.

I'm sure my overall quality of life would be improved if I knew
                                                               What dog am I like?
                                                               What color my soul is?
                                                               Or what would be my fate in the Hunger Games?

Quick trivia note- Hecate is the Greek goddess of the crossroads.