Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Nest is on the Edge or the Summer of Extreme living

This is my season of extreme living. 
No Im not taking up cliff diving or anything that exciting.
Im just traveling back and forth between dwelling places every few weeks.
My Warrior is training for a SOCIAL experiment that will eventually take him back to Afghanistan  (more on that later). His man cave is located in Kansas City, Mo so I'll be making the 5 1/2 hour journey-(4 if I drive)  every few weeks.
Its extreme living not because KC is wild and uninhabitable. Quite the contrary! Its a very fun place.
But its extreme in my level of activities. When Im home in OKC I have to act like a responsible adult-  pay bills, weed garden, fix minor problems.  Of course,the best part is all my grandmonkeys, kids + friends to catch up with. Then back to Jazz City for laying by the pool, shopping , sight-seeing and general vacation fun. I have one 21 year old friend to run around with. Her husband is in the same training as Warrior so that helps with the loneliness of missing family. Mike is always up for fun when he gets home so its dinner, movie etc. 
Don't misunderstand I'm not complaining!!! Just commenting that my Gypsy nature is being tested as I live a half-n-half life fully. Its not often that you get a stress free summer or re-experience the first year of marriage before kids, endless laundry,constant meal planning and the activities of busy family life.  Its nice to have an "empty" nest with a little more money, a little more understanding of what is important in caring for one another + the knowing that all moments are important and should be lived with joy.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you back again. I've missed your unique postings, my friend. you should think of posting more from and about your gypsy journeys. ;) Love you.
