Friday, December 25, 2015

Advent Day25- Enjoy His Mercy

ink + stamp 2014

Once the gifts are given and received, the laughter of family enjoyed and memories are recorded in our hearts for another Christmas completed -Let us again reflect on the true reason we celebrate this season.

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteousness but because of His mercy.   -Titus 3:4-5

                                                       ENJOY HIS MERCY! 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Advent Day10 - Prepare

As a child of the 1960s I lived with the idea that the Soviet Union would be nuking us at any moment! We had "drop" drills, fire drills and movies about how to prepare our bomb shelter for the Nuclear Winter. Then of course there were the invasions of unknown enemies - The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Invaders from Mars and the list goes on.

Marrying a military man didn't change my world view about the need for Preparedness. Living in South Dakota with missile silos, large exercises like Red Flag in Nevada and assignments to places with lots of planes, bombs and radar sites reinforced that the world is not safe. Most of my civilian friends had no understanding of "real world threats" and thought military life was for those who liked to play army.

Things have changed since September 11th. Most Americans will agree that we no longer live in a bubble of security. Now our lives include safety measures and preparedness drills for the unthinkable- those who want to kill us in the places that had once been safe.

In our lifetime we will try to prepare for many things. Most are good and helpful like financial planning, where we live, family size, personal goals etc.

Advent is a season of planning. Planning gift giving, family time+ food prep, church services just to name a few. Usually the lists are longer than the day!

Jesus reminds us how important it is to be prepared. He knows we cant always be physically safe from this world's dangers and tragedies. He asks us to trust Him always in these areas. His warnings are for our spiritual well being. Preparedness by holding His truth from the Word as the guard against the counterfeit teachings that continue to increase within the Church. He keeps ours souls safe but we must prepare our hearts for His coming.

Jesus said, " For many false Christs and prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the Elect -if that were possible. So be on guard; I have told you everything ahead of time" Matthew 24:24

Monday, December 7, 2015

Advent Day 7- They cleared the Way

2015 Rock slide I-35 Davis, Oklahoma
When this rock slide happened it blocked both sides of the interstate going North and South into Oklahoma. You could travel around by state roads but it added hours to your trip. The average traveler had no idea of what to do. No amount of people digging or big machines could fix it. If done wrong the rest of the hillside would come down. It took almost two months but engineers and demolition teams planned a strategy so they could clear it without making it worse.

Our journey also has its "landslides". We round a corner and there it is -an unexpected roadblock. Hugh and overwhelming! We stop and stare knowing its beyond what we can handle.

Its easy to forget that this Road is centuries old. Many have gone before us and many will come after. Those who have gone before have shown us how to clear the path and walk through rough terrain. They teach us how with the understanding that we will help those who walk behind us.

This Advent season I am thankful for all the Pastors, mentors, friends and loved ones who helped me on the Ancient road. May I be faithful to those who follow after me.

I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way- Mark 1:2


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Advent Day5 - Hiding the Golden Calf

Joshua 24
 This may seem like a strange passage to be thinking about during Advent but the story is about worship and that is at the heart of this Season.

At God's request Joshua gathered Israel together to reaffirm the central purpose of their freedom. They were no longer slaves and their lands were in the process of being restored. He asked them " Will you worship God?"
                         " Yes we will worship the Lord"
Again and again Joshua asked and they replied "Yes we will worship the Lord"
And then Joshua said " if you will worship Him then get rid of all the foreign gods you have in your possession!"

You know they had a stash!
But then so do I.
I have a lot of "golden calves" that distract me from my love and worship of God. This time of year seems to bring them out more than normal. I get drawn away by trying to make everything perfect, over spending, over eating and in general forgetting the reason why I am celebrating.

So like Israel before Joshua I will renew my commitment to worship the Lord as I place my idols in the fire of repentance.


Friday, December 4, 2015

Advent Day4 - The life lines of Blessings

Our blessings have already been given.

They differ from the Promises God. His promises or covenants were made to specific groups, at certain times and usually involved a sacrifice. Some Promises were for all mankind and others were to Nations or individuals. His promises were guaranteed by His own eternal Law and Being.

But throughout the Word Blessings were given to individuals. They went beyond the scope of the Promises because they were tailored to each receivers specific situation and need. The Hebrew BARAK/ blessing means being strengthen and our weakness being compensated for with God's strength.

 Many times we reduce blessings to a wish list we want God to fill rather than the larger understanding that the blessings bring our knowledge of Him into sharper view. A blessing from God is empowerment to be able to do what is not within our natural abilities.

Maybe like finger prints or the life line in our hands our individual blessing have been planned before Time. He knows the path and footsteps of our way and our unique blessings come at the time of need.

Blesses is the King who come in the name of the Lord -Luke 19:38

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Advent Day2 - Anticipation and the Printer

Zeke + Spider man

As I get older its harder to have the same feelings of wonder or anticipation about life as I did when I was young. I am an enthusiastic extrovert but I have seen and experienced many wonderful events in my lifetime. I believe this is one of the reasons God blesses our mature years with grandchildren. We can experience anticipation and wonder once again!
A few months ago my four year old grandson Zeke (who is completely obsessed with Spider Man) asked me to draw the Web Slinger. As an artist I was delighted that he wanted me to draw a picture but I soon learned there were many specifications for how the super hero was to look.

So as any modern Oma would do I Googled images and let him pick. I also realized I didn't really want to draw Spidy and Zeke would be more thrilled to have me print out the image of his choice.

Talk about the delight of anticipation! He picked his image and raced to the next room as the printer clunked on and did its magic. He stood patiently in wonder of what was taking shape before his eyes. He now knows when he needs a Spider man all he has to do is ask for one.

Zeke knew what a printer did but he never understood what the printer could do for him. His "need"gave him a new experience.  Now he knows he can ask and wait with anticipation for the delight that will come forth in the digital age.

Sometimes we know what God "can do" but we don't understand what He "wants to do"-  until we express our need. He is pleased when we live with anticipation and wonder while we wait for Him to show us more of Himself.

But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation My God will hear me. Micah 7:7

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Advent Meditations Day1- The People who walked in Darkness

Have you ever stumbled down a dark hall, numbed by sleepiness to answer the cry of your child?
You leave the lights off so as not to disturb those still in pleasant slumber.
The hall that is safe and familiar during the daylight becomes endlessly long and fraught with obstacles, but the child needing comfort is why you're on this nocturnal journey.

Today my thoughts were about long journeys in the dark.
Some of life's most significant events begin in darkness.
Life originates in the murkiness of the womb and ends in the void of the grave.
Events of great importance throughout history were done under the cover of night.

Darkness makes us stronger, for that is when we evaluate things of importance, send our cries of distress and face our deepest fears.
Darkness strips away all of life's superficial distractions and makes us deal with the things that will forever change us.

 And so God answered the cries of His children

                    The people walking in darkness
                         have seen a great light;
             on those living in the land of deep darkness
                         a light has dawned.
                                                      Isaiah 9:2 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Advent- Remembering and Waiting

Advent is the Remembering.
And was a time of Waiting.

The faithful of long ago remembered His promises and waited.
Advent is the Reminder and the Remembering that the Promised One came.

Just as the faithful of old waited on His promises so we must wait for the Second Advent
and the coming again of the Promised One.

And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with great transcendent and overwhelming power and all His kingly glory, majesty and splendor.
When these things begin to occur, look up and lift your heads, because your redemption and deliverance is drawing near.  Luke 21:27-28

Monday, November 2, 2015

#inktober Day31 Last day has gone to the dog

india ink, pen+brush
So sad -last day of #inktober

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

#inktober Day28 Its #Frankenweenie Time

My very favorite Halloween movie -Tim Burton's #FRANKENWEENIE

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

#inktober Day27 He loved Lenore Nevermore/ The Raven

pen+india ink
I love THE RAVEN and so many of Poe's tragic poems and stories.

#inktober Day26 Quoth the Raven " Nevermore"

india ink

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
    While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
            Only this and nothing more.” 
Take a few minutes to enjoy Edgar Allen Poe's poem 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

#inktober Day25 Oklahoma "Where the winds come sweeping down the plains"

ink+ copic markers
Living in Oklahoma where "the winds come sweeping down the plains!"
gives me plenty of opportunities to experience bad hair days.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

#inktober Day24 Bamboo and Sea sponge tree

bamboo pen,sea sponge +india ink

#inktober Day23 Inspired by Bamboo

brush, bamboo pen+ india ink
Enjoying the lovely strokes the bamboo pen produces.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

#inktober Day22 A Poem:I do not like Naked trees

brush+india ink
I do not like naked trees
Their branches scraping in the breeze
And leaves that fall about my feet
Making crunchy messes in the street
I do not like naked trees
It signals that soon we both shall freeze

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

#inktober Day20 There is always room in my world for blue bunnies!

There is always room for blue bunnies.

#inktober Day19 Dolly Llama or Sorry I couldnt resist

pen + india ink
Went to my daughters ranch.
It was a beautiful day filled with llamas, rabbits, piglets, sheep, horses and the best of all 10 grandchildren!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

#inktober Day17 Birds on my mind or Im a little bird brained

acrylic ink
"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings."
                                          -Salvador Dali

Friday, October 16, 2015

#inktober Day15 Dont nest in fall or What do I know ?

acrylic ink cardinal nest
Last year in very late September a mother cardinal built a nest in my hanging planter.
I was shocked to see she had laid 3 little eggs because I thought birds only laid in the Spring.
In my opinion I didn't think she should have done this so close to the cold Oklahoma winter but after Googling I found it was normal.
I had the pleasure of waiting 14 days until the chicks hatched. With the aid of my trusty iphone I took lots of photos of the ugliest baby birds. We saw theses babies all winter as they stayed close since we keep feeders up all year long.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

#inktober Day15 When a sparrow falls-God knows

acrylic ink
What is the price of two sparrows- one copper coin?
But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered-so don't be afraid!
You are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.
                                                                                                     -matthew 10:29-31

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

#inktober Day13 Jury Duty or I NEED MORE COFFEE

micron pen + acrylic ink
 If you are late to Jury Duty the rules say you can go to jail till the judge decides otherwise.
As a habitually yet "fashionably" late non-conformist being most places EXACTLY on time is a bit difficult but since a day or two in the pokey were at stake- I decided not to risk it.
 So I arose at 5:30AM ( which is even before the sun!) and was on my way downtown by 6:30AM (which is even before the sun!). I was parked and in the court house by 7:15 AM ( which is now about sunrise!) and ready to do my Jury duties.
  I dont think there is enough coffee to compensate for being up this soon but I did have time to do a quick sketch of my second cup before I was locked away for trial.

#inktober Day 12 Doing my Civic duty otherwise known as Jury Duty

Day One of Jury Duty- myself and 500 others.
Really enjoyed all I learned about how the system works.
Got picked for a criminal trial which will start tomorrow. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

#inktober Day11 Golden days of fall

fountain pen- Lake Arcadia Edmond Ok
Sunday morning worship at the lake. The jeers of the blue jays and kowws of crows, the lapping of the water and sounds of rustling tree all create a hallelujah choir as the Golden days of Fall celebrate before the coming of winter.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

#inktober Day 10 Simply Khalifa

Khalifa in a simple drawing style

#inktober Day 9 The Dying Coneflower or Fall is here

india ink dots and pen
Nothing is as lovely as when my garden is blooming with pink coneflowers but they sure are ugly when they die!

Day 8 Odd face day #inktober

india ink
 As a non-conformist I just enjoy making odd faces.

"There is nothing a non-conformist hates worse than a conformist, its another non-conformist who doesnt conform to the prevailing standard of the non-conformist"
                                                                -BILL VAUGHAN

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 7 Blue Spruce #inktober

Parker Quink
I love Blue spruce because they offer some cheer during the dreariness of Winter.
And yes the dreaded winter-tide is just a few weeks away. 

Day 7 Circle Tree #inktober

Fall tree with ink markers

Day 5 Fall Tree #inktober

India ink and brush
Fall is here in Oklahoma

Day 4 Stipple ball #inktober

stipple with Pitt pens
Tried shading a ball with ink

Day 3 Whitney #inktober

Whitney in ink
Had a little trouble with smearing since I was outside on a windy day.

Day 2- A Haiku to Ink #inktober

Darkest India
Dripping and straining pages
Ink flows from my pen


Well the month of October is 8 days in and Im just now posting for #INKTOBER.
This is the first year Ive joined and am so eager to create every day only in INK.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Nosy Dachshund

 Nosy Dachshund is a gentle soul who enjoys patrolling his garden on a regular basis.
He has many friends from Lil Olive the backyard bunny, to Fang the Squirrel who sharpens his teeth on the decorative cow skull and Yippie the dog next door.

 Last night he met a new neighbor Funk the skunk. I don't think they hit it off very well since we have spent the last 12 hours cleaning N-butyl mercaptan off Nosy Dachshund, the sofa and carpet.

 The dog now smells great, the sofa is cleaned but the skunk stink seems to float from room to room.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sketchbook Skool - Variations or do it a bunch of times

 Today our assignment was to pick something we want or like to draw and do it in different mediums.
I enjoyed this idea and will continue to work in a "series"

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sketchbook Skool Week 2- Ink Monsters

ink monsters
Let the Battle begin...
Ink dropped on paper, blown with a straw and details added

Sketchbook Skool -Week 1

frog face
This week we had to draw ourselves in a distorted or weird way.
I used Photobooth and the frog distortion

Sketchbook Summer Skool - Week 1 draw some clothing

draw some clothing
I always love seeing the Chickasaw women in their traditional Oklahoma dress.
Im saving to have one made.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Green is the color of the world

Aly Kat - ink on monoprint
Using up my hugh stash of monoprint backgrounds to practice quick sketches.

" Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises..."

Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 61- I have crossed the finish line- ICAD 2015!

prompt: parachute
Last entry for ICad 2015. Sixty -one days of prompts to be creatively interrupted on a 3x5 index card. I was joined by 2265 other artists from around the globe. It was wonderful to see what cool or crazy ideas people came up with!

I'm sure most people have very sensible ideas of the saving use of parachutes.

But who knew that Fin and April would descend from space orbit inside a dead shark with the parachutes from the Space shuttle to guide them safely back to earth.
Sorry but SHARKNADO 3 was the first thing that came to mind!

Day 60- Dear Abbey or I need Advice

prompt: Advice
The word ADVICE comes from Middle English 1250-1300; late Middle English advise; replacing Middle English avis (with ad- ad- for a- a-5) < Old French a vis (taken from the phrase ce m'est a vis that is my impression, it seems to me) < Latin ad (see ad- ) + vīsus h/French/ Latin

In others words it means my thoughts from afar or the way I see !
We get advice from the cradle to the grave ( some even given postmortem)
Most advice is good but hard to follow or make into a lifestyle.

My life motto is my best advice. I want to live this way but living simply can get complicated!  I will continue to try.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 59- The Spartan wore tartan and the lad wore plaid

prompt- plaid
I didnt know that Tartan is the British word for the American word PLAID.

Did a bit of an "abstract" design for today's prompt.
Played with a favorite technique- acrylic paint , rubber cement, topped with acrylic paint then scratched off. Distressed with ink.