Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Advent Meditations Day1- The People who walked in Darkness

Have you ever stumbled down a dark hall, numbed by sleepiness to answer the cry of your child?
You leave the lights off so as not to disturb those still in pleasant slumber.
The hall that is safe and familiar during the daylight becomes endlessly long and fraught with obstacles, but the child needing comfort is why you're on this nocturnal journey.

Today my thoughts were about long journeys in the dark.
Some of life's most significant events begin in darkness.
Life originates in the murkiness of the womb and ends in the void of the grave.
Events of great importance throughout history were done under the cover of night.

Darkness makes us stronger, for that is when we evaluate things of importance, send our cries of distress and face our deepest fears.
Darkness strips away all of life's superficial distractions and makes us deal with the things that will forever change us.

 And so God answered the cries of His children

                    The people walking in darkness
                         have seen a great light;
             on those living in the land of deep darkness
                         a light has dawned.
                                                      Isaiah 9:2 

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